
The Printmaking Workshop, Etching, Litho and Screen Printing


Some of the Painting Studios


Painting and Printmaking Life Drawing Studio


Workshop Spaces almost ready to be fitted out


Some Sculpture and Environmental Art Studios


MFA Studios


First Student Rep visit

We had a quick tour around the building today before the Friday Event with a couple of Second Year reps. We were just in time to see the final windows being fitted to the big painting studio. Check out the video. The building is still officially a building site, so it is a full PPE (personal protection equipment) area. This means that we can not take large groups into the space. However we do have enough PPE to take small groups of reps in. To organise this, please speak to your Head of Department or Programme Leader. I will be organising larger group visits for early in the the new year, after the winter break.

Behind the wallpaper

When some wallpaper was removed from one of the rooms, these lovely wee drawings we discovered.

Fine Art Photography- Darkrooms

Some of the bespoke furniture has arrive in the black and white darkrooms. In the first picture you can see the enlarger bays shuffling around waiting to be located in one of the two labs. (made by our very own Steve Higgins) The image below is of the processing sink that was designed by our own technical staff and made by Richard of Hull. I thing of beauty.